Yoga Nidra - For Beginners


Hit reset once a day and feel like new — with the sleep of the Yogis.

No more post-work naps, Doppios after 4, or being tired of being tired… Rest more efficiently and boost your productivity with Yoga Nidra.

Equivalent to 2 hrs of deep sleep in its ability to rejuvenate, Yoga Nidra systematically releases physical, mental, and emotional tensions. It’s like sleeping and meditating, at the same time.


Quick Relax (17min) - mp3

Go Deeper (22min) - mp3


Quick Relax (17min) - mp3

Use this short practice in the midst of your busy life, at home or at work. Ideally done in a lying position, it can also be done sitting to suit your surroundings. Take a few minutes out, and upon completing the practice, return to your activities with relaxation and greater results.

Go Deeper (22min) - mp3

Gradually release deep tensions held in your body, mind and emotions to experience a deep state of relaxation. 

This version will take you a step deeper, preparing your mind to go to the roots of your challenges and release them. You will begin to use a short positive resolution that addresses your real needs, something that you would like to develop in your life. An example is "I am healthy".  Once established, it should be repeated with the exact words and intonation each time.

Effectively reduce stress, clear the mind, and restore energy in the midst of your busy life. 

Maximize the Benefits

  • Ensure that the stomach is empty.

  • Create a warm, semi dark environment free from distractions.

  • Loosen clothing; remove jewelry and glasses.

  • Choose a comfortable position - ideally, lie down on your back with the arms slightly separated from the body and the feet falling gently to the sides.

  • Hold a relaxed awareness on the instructions without undue effort.

For back conditions or pregnancy, use a side-lying position and/or cushions for support.

Extra benefits are gained by remaining awake throughout the practice.