5 Liberating clues how to feel your feelings
In most cases feelings are a stepping stone for evolution. While our thinking mind is usually busy regurgitating past events or projecting into the future, feelings have a great advantage. We can’t help but focus our attention on them.
Your feelings are an invitation to enter more deeply into the present moment. So how can we get more in touch with our feelings and use them as a doorway to the present? Here are 5 clues…
1) Feel the feeling
Whether it is anger, frustration or sadness, in most cases, there is no need to analyse or name the feeling. Simply feel the feeling. Focus on the sensation or energetic expression that you are experiencing. Perhaps a heaviness in your chest, restlessness in your belly, contraction in your throat or tension in your back…Whatever arises, just sit with it. Whatever discomfort or unease arises along with it, let it be there. If you find yourself analysing or labelling, remember that this is your thinking mind interfering. Come back to the sensations without producing thoughts.
2) Sweat it out
There may be moments, when it is helpful to act out a feeling by channelling it in a constructive way. If you experience a lot of anger, for example, realize that it is a raw energy, without the need to put a label on it (“anger is bad”). Instead, channel that raw energy productively. Chop wood, dig holes to plant trees or work it out at the gym. Rather than getting eaten up by anger or hurting those close to you, sweat it out.
3) Watch the train of thoughts preceding a feeling
Before any feeling there is a thought… a whole train of thoughts. One thought leads to another, suddenly, worry sets in, self-doubt, frustration, maybe leading to anxiety and anger. The mental and emotional background noise is not helping you find focus. When you have learned to witness your thoughts, you can stop a train of thought before it leads to a destructive feeling, plus, you save time and energy that is otherwise spent worrying.
4) Enjoy the movie
Watch your thoughts and feelings like a movie on the screen. You are in the audience watching the story unfold. Whether it is a drama, comedy or thriller, your attitude remains unaffected…Even if the movie scares you or makes you cry, watch this too. The witness watches the sadness, the highs of excitement, the fears of failure… knowing all the while that you are the unchanging awareness behind all these scenes.
5.) Bridging the gap
There is a gap between what we think we know about ourselves and what is deeply buried in our unconscious mind. Feelings have a source. And no, the source is not your stubborn husband or your workload or your noisy neighbour. These are triggers. Feelings are closely linked with our deep impressions which make them a bridge to our deep mind.
In any given moment a feeling is an opportunity to release the energetic charge of an impression. If we resist the feeling, we’re creating friction in the process, which creates more emotional tension. When we are completely present with a feeling, impressions can be resolved.
Now you know five ways to navigate this territory of feelings in a conscious way. So, embrace your feelings. They are messengers and a doorway to the present! We hope this serves you well!
P.S. If someone close to you is dealing with strong feelings and would benefit from these clues, please pass them on. It might help them move through.
Chat with Swami Mukti
It can seem scary to show up for your feelings, but the process doesn’t need to be like letting the monster out of the closet. This is only a projected fear. The process can be gentle when you identify yourself with the presence of your inner witness— the calm center from where it is easier to remain neutral in front of the emotional ups and downs.
If you find that your emotional rollercoaster gets in the way of your peace and fulfilment, it might be time to receive the right support and effective personalized tools. — Schedule a call to chat with Swami Mukti.